Keith Burkhart

Lead Pastor

Motorcycle enthusiast, avid outdoorsman, and energetic father of 10.

As a young man, Keith began ministry at FSBC before joining the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma, where he served as Family and Men’s Ministry Specialist for 10 years. Throughout the years, God increased his vision for developing spiritually strong men and families who impact their communities for the Kingdom of God. Keith led the Oklahoma Faith Riders motorcycle ministry, engaging hundreds of riders from churches across Oklahoma. Through his leadership of the Rewired Men’s Conference, men across the United States have discovered new ways to live out their faith.

In May 2018, Keith became the Director of Falls Creek and Cross Timbers Baptist Camps. In October 2018, Keith responded to God’s call to return to FSBC, leading with genuine relationship, audacious faith, and a passionate desire to help people come into and maintain a relationship with Jesus. “Has there ever been a more important time to give people a credible offer of the Gospel and a place to grow and be loved in our city? Father, may it be so!”  

Keith is the author of Advanced Men’s Ministry Training: A Manual for Building Your Men’s Ministry, used by churches throughout the United States.

Keith has experience as a small business owner and served in the United States Army Reserves for 21 years. He has been married to his precious wife, Jeanette, for 46 years and is the proud father of 10 children and 15 grandchildren.