July 2, 2023

July 3, 2023

Throughout the summer months our church family has continued to stay busy as they pour into ever growing ministries. Read below to learn how people are getting involved and how you can too!

Church Wide Events


4 - Campus closed

7-9 - Kids Blast

10-15 - Falls Creek

18 - No evening activities

19-21 - Focus Trip to Branson

25 - HIA/4th Sunday Fellowship


5 – Outdoor volleyball tournament

13 – Kids and Student Promotion day

15 – Little Sprouts begins for fall


Financial Recap


Core Costs: $29,056

Giving: $38,181

Ministry Budget: $36,981

Vision Budget: $41,509


Super summer

Our students ministry, led by Drew Ray, was once again able to take a group of students to Super Summer for a week, along with sponsor, Cole Harrison.

Harrison was able to share what he experienced as a  sponsor through this week with the kids. "I went to Super Summer as a Team Leader for Red School this year, the group of students who just left 7th grade. While serving, I learned more of what it looked like to be swallowed in God’s love and to turn my fears and concerns over to Him. As our focus for red school was foundations, I got to see students learn more about the basics of following Christ and how to do that. Through this, they also got to learn how to disciple new believers and share the gospel with their friends."

Taking place on Oklahoma Baptist University's Shawnee campus, students spent the week with their groups, spreading and learning the gospel together.

Young Adult Float Trip

This summer our young adult group was able to take a trip out to Broken where they were able to play several games, go fishing, shopping and even drag nine square into the lake for everyone to play. The main event of the trip was the four mile kayak that the group was able to enjoy in between storms and hot weather.

One of the young adults Sarajane, was able to reflect on how the trip went. "This year at broken bow I was able to enjoy kayaking the 4-mile river float rather than the longer 8-mile trek and also enjoyed having worship inside and outside in the evenings. I left the trip feeling like I was connected with more people in our college group because of it."

Between relaxing in the hot tub and taking part in various card games, attendees were given the opportunity to simply relax and recharge both spiritually and physically.

"Even though the rain delayed us kayaking down the river, we were still able to do a lot of fun activities. It was super fun having all the cabins close to each other this year; it gave us the opportunity to spend time with each other more easily. Can’t wait for next year’s float trip," said Sarajane.

This float trip always serves as a perfect time for the group to grow closer together and offers a time of calmness in a busy schedule. This annual event is something they have come to love and look forward to continuing for years to come.


Mexico Mission Trip, June 11-17

"...for a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries." 1 Cor 16:9

As a team, it is our "ambition to preach the Gospel, not where Christ has already been named"…so "those who have never been told of him will see, and those who have never heard will understand." Rom 15:20-21

Our team experienced two canceled flights departing OKC, but the Lord opened a door through the Tulsa International Airport for us; we arrived a day behind schedule but on time for the training!

This was our third trip to the Baptist seminary in southern Mexico to train their students, pastors, and others using the word of God in Bible stories. We'd already trained them in evangelism and discipleship. On this trip, our mission was to train our Mexican brothers and sisters to plant churches New Testament style from the book of Acts.

The participants shared their plans to go to dark and dangerous places to evangelize and plant churches where none exist. They had heard about church planting before but had no idea how to do it. Now, they have a clear biblical vision and know the next steps to take to enter new fields, evangelize, and form new churches based on the word of God as seen in Acts.

One of the pastors at the training, along with his wife, felt called to her hometown. The timing of our visit aligned with this calling, and now they have a biblical model to guide them as they pursue this new field for the Kingdom.  

Another pastor mentioned that he had heard a lot about church planting but never learned how to do it. Thanks to the training from the book of Acts, he plans to identify other towns and villages nearby where he can evangelize, disciple, and ultimately plant a church as people come to Christ.

Many of the students were amazed by the patterns they discovered in Acts that showed them how to do this. They realized that Jesus accomplishes His work through leaders who are led and empowered by the Holy Spirit as they follow his ways as seen in his word.  

We are planning to return to partner with some of the pastors as they step out in obedience to the Lord to take the gospel where it has not been clearly proclaimed and where there are no churches yet.

Please, pray for the Kingdom to multiply into these unreached towns tucked away all over Mexico where so many are living in darkness with no hope apart from these men and women showing up to tell them the good news of Jesus.

- Paul Colley, Disciple-making and Missions Pastor


Summer of Service

Aron Cochran

My name is Aron Cochran, and I am a part of a summer staff for Falls Creek, the largest Christian camp in the United States. My job this summer is supervising the ropes course, paying very close attention to every single thing happening on the ropes course, and off of it. It's our goal to spread the gospel through the ropes course in a fun and exciting way.

This will be Aron's second year returning to Falls Creek as it is amazing to witness generations continuing to spread the love of Christ through their hard work and God given talents.

Cole Harrison

My name is Cole Harrison and I served at Steel City Fellowship in Pueblo, CO as a general missionary intern from September 11th, 2022 to June 11th, 2023. I was first lead to go during a mission trip to Steel City during Spring break of 2022. While there, I was offered this internship and I saw it as a calling from God to go.

Throughout by internship I was able to serve the community as a middle school soccer coach and as a FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) leader at Centennial High School and at Colorado State University in Pueblo (CSUP). I also took part in year 1 of the discipleship program Acts 13 (A13), which was hosted at Steel City, and helped lead worship for our congregation and young adult group.

While serving, I got to help foster growth in our young adult group as existing and new members dug deeper into the word of God and started to really serve the Lord. While in A13, I learned more about my own walk with Christ and how to read His Word and follow Him but also how to disciple someone else to do the same. While I was coaching soccer and leading FCA, I got to pour into students and show them not only through my words and actions but, more importantly, the words and actions of Christ through scripture.

During my final couple of months of my internship, I got to be part of a team that started a student ministry at Steel City, which had not been present since the church was replanted 7 years ago. We have students from my soccer team, FCA, and from Steel City that participate. I am planning on returning again this August for school and will rejoin the leadership team to continue leading student ministry.


Ministry Highlights


Kid's Ministries

-If you are interested in teaching Little Sprouts teachers are being hired now for the 23-24 school year. For more information contact the church office or see Sara for more information or to apply.

-Right now we are recruiting Summer Volunteers to work with kids for Sunday and Wednesday evenings. Go to to see details and to sign up.

Worship Ministry

Please be continuing to praying for our worship ministry as we continue to work and grow together. Please also keep in mind our Kids Worship as we are needing helpers who are willing to help pour into the kids and be useful through our worship. Music skills aren’t necessarily required to fill these positions but they can be helpful. Our ministry is also looking for donations of electric pianos or guitars if anyone would be willing to donate so kids can learn to play, we would be extremely grateful.


Missions Updates

- Paul Colley

Local Missions Among Internationals

Our new Afghan neighbors in Oklahoma City continue to need our friendships. This ministry helps with English, understanding how to do things in America and assistance with all kinds of areas of life are needed, as they're rebuilding from scratch.

We need more people to get involved with these Afghan friendships and are especially in need of more ladies to be involved in these friendships.

ESL and Conversational English opportunity among our new Afghan neighbors

If you have an evening or any time available, we are looking for help with this important need. No experience required. We can equip you easily. The need to learn English and the need to connect with relationships that can develop into friendships is key to being able to share Christ and his love. Contact Paul Colley through the church office for more information. Thank you!

Drivers needed to get children to school:

As we plan toward the Fall Semester, we are wanting to find another solution to get an Afghan family’s 8 children to and from school. This will likely be the parent driving a load with their car and a volunteer taking a load with their car. We’ve been using the church van which has been working fairly well, but are looking for other options to avoid schedule conflicts and costs. Please consider helping us continue to love them in this significant way.

If you are able to help please contact Paul Colley through the church office. Thank you!

Ways to Serve


Helping Hands

Our church body is constantly trying to reach out and reach others. As we do this we want to continue to look for ways to serve one another within the church. Below is a list of areas that are in need of people. If none of these seem to fit you, please contact the office for more ways to get involved.

Resource Room Attendant

Expectations: Volunteer 1-2 hours a week cleaning and organizing the Preschool Resource Room.

Kids Center Greeter

Expectations: Volunteer twice a month at the door greeting kids and families.

Specific Times of Need (select one or more):

- Sundays 9:15-10:15

- Sundays 10:15- Close of service

- Sundays 4:45pm-5:45pm

- Wednesdays 5:45pm-7:30pm

Kids Center Check-In

Expectations: Volunteer at the check-in desk entering guests into the computer and giving them instructions to enter.

Specific Times (select one or more):

- Sundays 9:15-10:15

- Sundays 10:15- Close of service

- Sundays 4:45pm-5:45pm

- Wednesdays 5:45pm-7:30pm

Summer Wednesday Night Co-Teachers

Expectations: Serve alongside another teacher each Wednesday night during the summer (Mid-May to Mid-August) from 6:00pm-7:30pm. There are needs in every class. Classes are Babies, Toddlers, 2s-3s, Prek-Kindergarten, 1st-4th, and 5th- 6th.  

Sunday Night Co-Teachers

Expectations: Serve alongside another teacher on Sunday nights from 5pm-6:15pm. We have needs in Preschool and Elementary classes right now and would like to emphasis an immediate need along with people to fill in during the summer months.

Preschool Worship Care Co-Teacher

Expectations: Volunteer at least once per month to teach and love on preschoolers during the worship service. All classes have 2 volunteers and classes will include babies through 3 year olds. Volunteer must be flexible to serve where needed.

Kids Center Cleaning

Expectations: Volunteer once a week for 1-2 hours to thoroughly vacuum the floors and clean the windows in each classroom in the Kids Center.  

*Please note that all those who serve with minors must complete a screening process including background checks & sexual abuse awareness training.

Contact Sara in the Kids Ministry office to sign up to serve at or stop by the Kids Center.

Women’s Ministry team

Our Women's ministry is comprised of two groups:  the Teaching Team and the Event Team.  Our teaching team is made up of women who lead our Women’s Bible Studies on Sunday evenings, Tuesday mornings and Wednesday evenings.  Our Event team meets monthly to plan various women’s events and works together as a team to bring them to fruition.  We are currently in need of a Wednesday evening Bible Study leader, whether it be teaching the class or facilitating a DVD-led study.  If you feel the Lord’s calling to participate on our Women’s Ministry Team, please send an email to

Local Missions Work

On Monday evenings a group of young adults gathers to pray and go out into the homes of numerous Afghan families to develop friendships, love on them, and share the good news. There are several scheduled weekly rhythms of prayer and visiting taking place all the time so if there is a way you would like to get involved please contact the office.

We need more people to get involved with these Afghan families as we grow these friendships. The need is beyond our current ability to address it and we especially need more ladies involved. Please, contact Paul Colley or call the church office for more information. Thank you!


Future and Possible Mission Endeavors for 2023

-- India (August, dates TBD): this is already in the planning process; the objective - encourage the leadership and students (ministry, prayer, worship), expose our team to their disciple-making and church-planting practices and strategies, serve in whatever areas we can assist needs (discovering those in this planning process), learn more about prayer, spiritual warfare, evangelism, house-church models as persecution has increased there. This will be a small team. Time away will be 7-9 days as best as we can assess at this time.

-- Albania (Possibly October): serve a multiplying church movement with English ministry, music, evangelism, special needs ministry; learn from them, expose of people to a church and it's practices that is reproducing churches into the 4th generation across Albania.

-- Japan (TBA): we have some connections with a church. Conversations are in process as to what this could look like for a team to come and serve. Japan has historically been a very mysteriously difficult place for the church to multiply. The missionary contact there is always in need of encouragement and help. They are seeing fruit; this would be a great opportunity to partner with another church in Arkansas who is already working with them.

— Togo or Ghana (possibly this fall): we have two connections of fruitful works we may partner with that would love for us to serve. More to come! 

-- IMB Missionary Care Mission Trips: we are considering doing one or two mission trips for the sole purpose of missionary care with some of the IMB missionaries we are connected with relationally already. As we determine this, we will be making the dates and locations known.

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